Wildfire Los Angeles


If you’ve been affected by a wildfire, it’s so important to explore the options available to you once you’re ready to return home. There are several key factors to consider, along with many resources you can access to support you during this time.

Safety Considerations When Returning To Your Property

Many people are curious about why it can take some time before residents are given the go-ahead to return to their homes, whether they’ve been damaged or not. After the fire has been put out, several necessary safety steps must be taken before residents can return. These steps include ensuring no live electrical wires, verifying that the gas shutoffs have been adequately implemented, and ensuring that fire vehicles aren’t blocking the roadways, among other things. 

The first step is to download our safety message when returning to your home. 

Do you need emergency power for phones or appliances?

Thanks to Yoshino Solid-State Power solutions, you may qualify for a mobile power device. 

FREE Disaster Recovery Toolkit

The next step is to download the FREE disaster recovery toolkit from The Red Book Guide to Recovery team led by Sean Scott. 

Things To Be Aware Of

After a fire, there are some potentially unhealthful challenges to prepare for and overcome. To ensure you’re safe when you return home, you must have some preparation. Key things to include are:
  • Long sleeve shirt (don’t wear tee-shirts or short sleeves that expose your skin)
  • Safe shoes (no open toes, soft-sided shoes, or any shoe exposing you to the elements
  • Eye protection (there may be many things that could injure your eyes flying about)
  • Work gloves (don’t let your bare hands sift through ash and debris)
  • Avoid allowing children in a post-fire area (they may be at greater risk of illness)
Stopping by a HOME DEPOT, LOWES, or hardware store is a solid bet for your safety.
Before you return to your property or immediately upon arrival, some critical life safety considerations must be understood. We’ve assembled a few of these to help you stay safe.

The First Steps When Dealing With Insurance

When you realize there’s a need for support from your insurance provider, there are some simple steps you can follow to make the process easier. 

KEY POINT: Do not move or disturb anything relevant to the cause or damage analysis. 

Reach out to your insurance company as soon as possible to share the details about the damage and get the claims process going. It’s also a good idea to inquire about temporary housing coverage in case your home is unavailable. If you can’t find your policy, ask your insurance agent for a copy—they’ll be happy to help you understand all the coverages, limits, and exclusions you need to know.
To get more information on managing your damaged property and engaging with your insurance provider, we’ve organized some tips that may be helpful.

Getting Emotional Support

The devastation of losing one’s home to a fire brings emotions that words often fail to capture. In the aftermath of such a traumatic event, while we might strive to maintain a sense of normalcy, it is crucial to allow our feelings to surface fully. Embracing these emotions, coupled with strong support systems, can provide the foundation needed to help us navigate the difficult journey of recovery and healing. 

One Step At-A-Time

Experiencing the devastating loss of a home or any possessions due to a wildfire can dramatically alter one’s life, leaving deep emotional and physical scars. We sincerely hope that the following examples of assistance prove beneficial for anyone navigating the challenging aftermath of such a significant loss from a wildfire. Remember, a treasure trove of invaluable information awaits you in The Red Book Guide to Recovery, along with comprehensive resources available on their website, designed to guide you through recovery and rebuilding your life. 

Register to be a Recovery Volunteer

We’re glad you’re here! We’d like to hear from you if you’d be interested in volunteering to help recovery efforts following the tragic series of wildfires that affected Los Angeles. Volunteers will only be used for recovery once fire dangers are resolved. By registering, you are permitting us to ask if you’d be interested in supporting the recovery effort. There is no guarantee that your name will be called. If we do call your name, you are under no obligation to volunteer and may decline or accept any offer.

Say Thanks to Firefighters, Police, and Other Responders!

Please add your name and message to the firefighters who responded to the wildfires in Los Angeles in January 2025. Let them know how much you appreciate their sacrifices to attack the unparalleled wildfires that destroyed thousands of homes. This was a “once-in-a-century” wind and wildfire storm, and these brave men and women deserve to hear from us.

Thank you for all your efforts in battling the life-threatening and disastrous wildfires that struck the Los Angeles area this January. We are grateful for your devotion to saving lives.

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