Wildfire Los Angeles


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In rhoncus, leo eu gravida vestibulum, mi nunc consequat dui, eget congue ex ligula a arcu. Morbi sagittis orci ac ultrices fermentum. Integer pretium vestibulum massa, ut molestie nunc tristique sit amet. Ut ac orci commodo urna imperdiet convallis. Nunc fermentum feugiat euismod. Donec sed luctus felis. Aenean blandit, risus sit amet finibus interdum, enim sapien interdum massa, a vulputate nisi augue id libero.

Register to be a Recovery Volunteer

We’re glad you’re here! We’d like to hear from you if you’d be interested in volunteering to help recovery efforts following the tragic series of wildfires that affected Los Angeles. Volunteers will only be used for recovery once fire dangers are resolved. By registering, you are permitting us to ask if you’d be interested in supporting the recovery effort. There is no guarantee that your name will be called. If we do call your name, you are under no obligation to volunteer and may decline or accept any offer.

Say Thanks to Firefighters, Police, and Other Responders!

Please add your name and message to the firefighters who responded to the wildfires in Los Angeles in January 2025. Let them know how much you appreciate their sacrifices to attack the unparalleled wildfires that destroyed thousands of homes. This was a “once-in-a-century” wind and wildfire storm, and these brave men and women deserve to hear from us.

Thank you for all your efforts in battling the life-threatening and disastrous wildfires that struck the Los Angeles area this January. We are grateful for your devotion to saving lives.

Need to register? Start here!

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